Midwives Are Life Savers for Women
Midwifery is important for all childbearing women, their babies, and their families, no matter where they live in the world or what their circumstances are. Evidence shows that skilled, knowledgeable, and compassionate midwifery care reduces maternal and newborn mortality and stillbirths, keeps mothers and babies safe, and promotes health and well-being for both mothers and […]
Understanding Mental Health And Complications During Pregnancy
When you are planning to have a baby, it can be a thrilling and challenging time in your life. If you are experiencing emotional changes at this time, don’t be surprised. With pregnancy comes the normal feeling of apprehension and dread about what’s ahead. This is a stressful time for a lot of people, especially […]
How Societal Commitment Helps Stop FGM
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) offers no health benefit and causes serious immediate and long-term physical, psychological and sexual harm, including chronic pain, recurrent urinary and vaginal infections, post-traumatic stress and severe pain during sexual intercourse. The immediate effects of FGM (significant pain and heavy bleeding) recur and are often exacerbated during and after childbirth, especially […]