HACEY, AIICO to sensitize Nigerians on World Malaria Day

In response to the World Malaria Day 2022, themed ‘Harness innovation to reduce the malaria disease burden and save lives,’ HACEY Health Initiative with support from AIICO insurance is set to sensitize people through its health promotion programs to commemorate the day. The goal of the program is to improve women’s knowledge, attitude, and practice particularly among […]

The Prevalence and Associated Factors of Malaria Infection Among Patients

Malaria is an infectious disease that affects people living in tropical areas. Mosquitoes are the vectors of transmission. It is characterized by a high fever, chills, and rigors in addition to other symptoms. It has the potential to be fatal if not diagnosed early and treated promptly. It is possible that a single mosquito bite […]

The Role of Maternal Health Care During and After pregnancy

The health and well-being of mothers are just as essential as that of their children. This is because It is impossible for a child to be healthy and happy unless the child is raised by a woman who is healthy and happy. The health of a mother during pregnancy and after childbirth is critical to […]

Lawyer Calls for Stricter Laws against FGM

A legal practitioner, Barrister Tolulope Adeoti, has stressed the need for stricter penalty for perpetrators of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) to stop its prevalence in the country. This is just as she described FGM as a violation of the right of females while charging all stakeholders to rise and stop the practice. Adeoti while delivering a […]

Drug Addition: Consequence and Management

The longer an addiction lasts, the more stress and strain it puts on the individual. There is an overwhelming number of long-term physical and emotional effects that addiction can have that can easily turn a healthy man or woman into a frail shadow of their former self. Addiction is frequently intertwined with other mental health […]

Managing Menstrual hygiene

Teachers can help girls and women manage their menstrual periods with dignity by creating a girl friendly school environment. Teens can learn about their sexual identity and how to protect themselves from sexual abuse, unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases through sexual education in schools. They can also learn about the physiological changes that occur […]

Motherhood and Assessment of Postnatal Care

Postnatal care is defined as the care provided to a woman and her newborn child after delivery. This care is provided for the first six weeks after the birth of the child. It is common practice to refer to the first 24 hours after delivery as the ‘early postnatal period.’ However, the phrase ‘late postnatal […]

Creating A System That Supports Children’s Mental Health

The experiences of childhood affect both the brain’s architecture as well as the formation of their mental health throughout life. Disruptions during their developmental stage can damage a child’s ability to learn and relate to others, which can have long-term consequences for them. It is possible for society to address a wide range of expensive […]

Clean Water: Important For Survival

Clean water is important for survival, although most people in developed countries don’t give much thought to the water they use for drinking, cooking, and sanitation. In developing countries, the search for safe drinking water can be a daily issue. Every year, millions of people, the most of them are children, die from diseases that […]

The Roles School Play in Sex Education

Schools play an instrumental role in disseminating vital information about sexual health. The school setting provides a crucial venue for the dissemination of information and skills that might enable young people to avoid harmful behaviors; unfortunately, many Nigerian students still do not have access to secondary or even basic sex education in their schools. An effective […]