PAVE Impact: Empowering Girls to Dream
In the bustling metropolis of Lagos, Nigeria, a spirited and determined young girl named Toluwani embarked on a journey fueled by ambition. Nestled in the prestigious Ibeju Lekki district, a haven of modernity and ceaseless activity, Toluwani was the resilient fourth child in a loving family of six, each bearing their own aspirations and dreams. […]
Host a Session at the EKO2023 Conference
The Society for Adolescent and Young People’s Health in Nigeria, SAYPHIN will hold the 3rd Nigerian Conference on Adolescent and Youth Health and Development, EKO2023 on 16th – 19th August 2023, in Lagos State, Nigeria. The Conference, holding under the theme: “Achieving 2030 Targets: Driving Innovation for Adolescents and Youth Health”, will focus on the […]
HACEY, Access Corporation organizes medical outreach to combat Malaria
Malaria is a significant public health concern in Nigeria, accounting for a large number of deaths and illnesses every year. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Nigeria accounted for 27% of the estimated global malaria cases in 2020. This statistic highlights the significant burden of malaria in Nigeria and the urgent need for effective […]
HACEY Host 3rd Annual EndFGM Conference To Advocate Eradication of Female Genital Mutilation
Leading Non-governmental organization, HACEY Health Initiative has hosted its 3rd annual end FGM conference themed: For Her Rights: Scaling Innovative Human Rights approaches in FGM Interventions. This was hosted in commemoration of International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation to highlight the need for a human rights perspective in developing innovative approaches to […]
Tree Planting Exercise To Inspire Environmental Awareness
Poor levels of public support and engagement in the conservation of natural resources are frequently caused by poor understanding and sensitization of the benefits of land restoration, low resource regulation, among others. Trees are the lungs of the earth. As they provide oxygen for humans. They take in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, both of which […]
Equitable Participation in Opportunities for Men and Women in A Climate-Smart Economy
MEETING DETAILSTuesday, 8 November, 3:00PM – 4:00PM Egypt Time (GMT+2) / 2PM Nigerian TimeSDG Pavillion, Social Media Space, Blue Zone, Area B of COP27 – P29Sharm El-Sheikh International Convention Center (SHICC), Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt Across the globe, evidence demonstrates the important role gender parity plays in the effective implementation of low-carbon, climate-resilient systems. This […]
Ending female genital mutilation: an approach to achieving gender equality
Female genital mutilation (FGM), a historic practice that involves the partial or complete removal of the external genitalia, is thought to have been performed on 200 million girls and women. FGM causes serious health repercussions, including but not limited to death, disfigurement, miscarriage, stillbirth, shock, bleeding, sepsis, sexual dysfunction, and posttraumatic stress disorder. It is a grave violation of human rights, especially those of women and children. The practice is common in 30 African nations, a handful in Asia and the Middle East, and, because of global migration, in many other nations even though it is not authorized by any religion and is prohibited in many of them. Although the practice’s acceptance or prevalence have declined in some nations, a lot still needs to be done. Adelowokan Toyin Adeola, Osun state Reproductive Health coordinator and gender desk officer, Ministry of Health speaking on the show said; “Many believe that when a woman or girl is cut, it will control her sexual urge which is not true. Women have several sensitive […]
Mental Health And Female Genital Mutilation
Female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) most often affects a woman’s mental health long after the procedure has taken place, leaving scars and taking the pain into her adult life. Women with FGM/C often show signs of psychological trauma: anxiety, somatization, depression, post-traumatic stress and other mood disorders. Some of the immediate consequences of FGM include severe pain […]
Project Agbebi: A Fierce Fight Against Maternal Mortality
According to World Health Organization (WHO), the maternal mortality rate (MMR) from 2000-2017 shows a significant decline of 38%. However, the story of MMR is still a sad tale as approximately 810 women die every day from pregnancy or childbirth-related causes. The World Bank reports that Nigeria’s MMR for 2017 was 917 per 100,000 live […]
Medicalization of Female Genital Mutilation
The World Health Organization defines the “medicalization” of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C) as any situation in which FGM/C is practiced by any category of health professionals, whether in a public or a private clinic, at home or elsewhere, at any point in a female’s life. Although the practice is internationally considered harmful, it is increasingly being […]