Mental Health: Types Of Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders are a form of mental health disorder. If you have an anxiety disorder, you may react with fear and dread to certain things and situations. You may also experience physical manifestations of anxiety, such as a rapid heartbeat and profuse sweating.  Anxiety disorders occur when anxiety impairs your capacity to function, you frequently […]

Dealing With Stigma Associated With Mental Illness

A person is said to have a stigma if they are viewed in an unfavorable manner by another person due to the fact that they possess a distinguishing characteristic or personal trait that is perceived to be, or actually is, a disadvantage (a negative stereotype). It is very common for people to hold negative attitudes […]

Increased Access to Education for The Girl Child As Prerequisite For National Growth

The term “girl child” refers to a biological female offspring from birth up until the age of 18 years old. This time span encompasses early childhood, also known as creche, nursery, or kindergarten (ages 0–5 years), primary education (ages 6–12 years), and secondary education (12-18 years). During this time, the young child is completely dependent […]

Special Consideration: Elimination of Harmful Practices Affecting Girl Child

We are excited to speak as Africans on this special day. Africa is our home and pride, and we are proud to be an African despite our difficulties. Today, June 16th, as we join the rest of Africa in commemorating the International Day of the African Child with the theme of “Elimination of Harmful Practices […]

Leveraging Technology in the Health Industry

The African healthcare sector offers exciting growth prospects. However, there are several obstacles to overcome. In the midst of the obstacles, there are possibilities of leveraging technology to provide Universal Health Coverage that make quality health affordable and accessible to everyone.  innovation in health-tech appears to be concentrated in the continent’s largest tech hubs, Nigeria […]

Handling Sexual Violence Against Children

As a result of the circumstances in which the girl child finds herself in urban Nigeria, she is vulnerable to physical, psychological, and sexual abuse. Millions of girl children worldwide face sexual abuse, which can occur at home, school, or in the community. According to UNICEF, at least 120 million girls under the age of […]

Dealing With The Loss Of A Child

Nearly every parent is unprepared to bear the unimaginable anguish that comes with the unexpected death of a child at any age. All of your expectations regarding childrearing are dashed in an instant. Experiencing a stillbirth or a miscarriage can bring on a level of emotional grief that is on par with that brought on […]

How Antenatal Care Lower Rates Of Maternal Mortality

Nigeria accounts for roughly 20% of all maternal mortality cases worldwide. According to recent World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, Nigeria’s Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) is 814. (per 100,000 live births). A Nigerian woman’s risk of dying during pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, or post-abortion is one in 22, compared to a lifetime risk of one in 4900 […]