Empowering individuals & improving health outcomes through digital health; a future where healthcare knows no borders, finances are no hurdle, and information is freely accessible.

We leverage technology to support people who can’t access traditional healthcare services because of distance or money. Our digital health solutions make healthcare services better and faster and help the quality of care. We strictly adhere to data protection guidelines, ensuring privacy and security.

Our goal is to have a sustainable, complete digital healthcare plan. We use phones to provide vital healthcare information, monitor people remotely, and use language tech to help people understand healthcare. We also use video calls to help healthcare professionals speak to people far away.

From Our Blog

For us, delivering digital health goes beyond just tools and platforms. We see a tapestry of interconnected solutions.


Project Agbebi

Project Agbebi is a community health project aimed at contributing to the global reduction of deaths resulting from pregnancy and childbirth.

life planning

TOMBEY is an adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive (SRH) project providing safe and non-discriminatory access to SRH information and services.

Safe Space

The Safe Space is a program for girls aged 13-19 that empowers them through sexual and reproductive education and open expression.

SRH Impact Plus

SRH Impact Plus helps in increasing the level of awareness and uptake of Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) services among young people.


Our Malaria Initiatives focus on providing access to information on malaria and life-saving materials for combatting malaria for pregnant women and children under 5.

HIV Counselling Testing

Through the HIV Counselling Testing (HIVCT) Initiatives, we create awareness and provide support for testing.