HACEY’s Annual Report 2021

2021 was a very eventful year for the organization, as it was seen as a year of unprecedented changes and evolution, with the world experiencing a dynamic shift thanks to COVID-19 and its impactful changes. The staff members and volunteers rose to meet unpredicted challenges that pervaded every aspect of the organization’s operations, ranging from it’s activities to it’s people. 

In 2021, the focus was on implementing interventions in the areas of Health, Advocacy, Empowerment and Education. HACEY’s programs cut across diverse projects executed and co-implemented. Hence, the organization was able to reach over 1 million persons across all our projects and activities put together.  

The impact range from; Reaching over 1million audiences with the End FGM message during The StopCut End Female Genital Mutilation conference to Training 96 media personnel, 322 community leaders across Oyo, Osun and Ekiti states; Handed over water facilities comprising electricity-powered boreholes, generator set, generator house, water tank, borehole safety iron, and water filter to communities in project states; Reached over 600,000 social media users with messages on safe water, proper sanitation and hygiene practices; Trained Champions across the 5 states of project implementation on advocacy for Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR); Donated mobile phone to 7 centres in Lagos and Supported the state via training Youth-friendly centre coordinators on leveraging digital tools to amplify Sexual and reproductive health and rights services; to the donation of 30,000 doses of IPTp-SP (Intermittent preventive treatment of Malaria in pregnancy using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine) and 10,000 Malaria rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) kits to Oyo state. 

It grew to the extent that it simply requires more space. This milestone came in August 2021, when a branch office in Ibadan, Oyo State was opened. The new development opened up a wealth of new opportunities, allowing the organization to expand its services.  

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