Project Agbebi

Championing Safe Motherhood in Nigeria

Project Agbebi is illuminating the path to safer motherhood in under-served communities across Nigeria. We’re committed to reducing pregnancy-related deaths and complications by empowering birth attendants, pregnant women and new mothers.

Our Approach

  • Equipping Birth Attendants: We provide comprehensive training and resources to birth attendants, ensuring they can deliver safe and effective care
  • Empowering Pregnant Women and New Mothers: We educate pregnant women and mothers of children under 5 on safe birth practices, hygiene, nutrition, immunization, and early identification of complications. We provide resources to support a healthy pregnancy and birth.
  • Building Partnerships: We foster strong collaborations between birth attendants, healthcare workers, and community stakeholders to create a seamless network of care for pregnant women, new mothers and babies.

Our Impact

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Essential birthing kits distributed
Healthcare workers and birth attendants trained
  • Life-Saving Birthing Kits: We have distributed over 100,000 essential birthing kits containing vital supplies for safe deliveries.
  • Community Support Groups: We create spaces for women to connect, share experiences, and access vital information and support.
  • Training & Education: Trained over 3,000 healthcare workers and birth attendants with the skills and knowledge to provide quality maternal and child care.

With a presence in over 15 states across Nigeria, Project Agbebi is transforming the landscape of maternal health in rural communities. We believe that every woman deserves a safe and healthy pregnancy and birth experience. Join us in our mission to ensure that every mother and baby thrives.

  • Empowering Pregnant Women and New Mothers: We educate pregnant women and mothers of children under 5 on safe birth practices, hygiene, nutrition, immunization, and early identification of complications. We provide resources to support a healthy pregnancy and birth.
  • Building Partnerships: We foster strong collaborations between birth attendants, healthcare workers, and community stakeholders to create a seamless network of care for pregnant women, new mothers and babies.
From Our Blog