The consequences of rape will differ from person to person because we are all affected in different ways and recover at varying rates from the experience. According to our experience with survivors of rape and sexual violence, we have discovered that there are some common responses to these forms of violence. We also know that the effects can last for years and that they can take a long time to manifest themselves in the body.
If the assailant has used violence during the assault, these may be immediately apparent, and you may require immediate hospitalization. However, it is also important to consider physical consequences that may occur in the future, such as the possibility of sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy.
Initially, many people experience feelings of shock and emotional numbness after being raped, which can last for days or even weeks. Many people initially experience a sense of calm and detachment from what has occurred. The fact that survivors are not distraught immediately after an assault may surprise friends, family, and professionals who are used to seeing survivors in such a state. Disassociation, on the other hand, is a natural defense mechanism that is perfectly normal. Ordinarily, after a couple of days or weeks, you will begin to experience a variety of other emotions such as anger, fear, and shock.

Fear can be associated with a variety of situations, depending on the situation you find yourself in. Your physical safety may have been threatened during the assault, and you may be apprehensive about telling authorities because you are concerned about the consequences of doing so. You may also be reluctant to tell friends and family for fear of upsetting them about what has happened. If you know the assailant or if he knows where you live, you may be concerned about the possibility of further violence. You might be concerned about becoming pregnant or contracting a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Later in life, you may be concerned about your ability to be in an intimate or sexual relationship with someone.
The majority of these fears are completely normal and common, and with enough time and support, they can be overcome. It will be beneficial to discuss them with a friend or a counselor.
A significant number of people who have experienced sexual assault are embarrassed or ashamed of what has happened to them. Given that most of us find it difficult to talk about personal matters with others, it should come as no surprise that you may find it difficult to discuss what has happened with strangers or even friends. In these situations, it is sometimes more convenient to speak with someone on the phone, who should be able to move at your pace and answer your questions.
After being raped, it is common to experience feelings of guilt. Some of you may believe that you could have done something to prevent the attack; particularly if you know the attacker, may believe that you ‘provoked’ the rape in some way. Remember, rape or sexual assault is never your fault – young girls and women as old as 80 years old are raped on a regular basis. Raping men have complete control over their actions, and you have the right to refuse sex no matter what you wear, what you drink, or your relationship with the assailant.

sexual violence can disrupt your normal daily routine as well as many other aspects of your existence. You may have a strong desire to get away from everything and to make significant changes in your life. Your first and foremost concern should be your sense of security. Make whatever adjustments are necessary to reclaim your sense of security and well-being. Install extra outside lights, leave the interior lights on, install an alarm system, invite friends or family members to stay over, purchase hand-held alarms, and so on to protect your home and family. It is not absurd to want to protect oneself from harm. Do whatever makes you feel most comfortable and secure at the time.
If you are dealing with or recovering from a major trauma or emotionally charged event, depression is a normal part of the healing process. Being physically and mentally exhausted from dealing with the memory of an assault as well as the events that follow (such as going to the police, telling friends and family, going to court, and having medical examinations, among other things) is not uncommon.
Recurrent dreams and nightmares: As your brain attempts to process, understand, and recover from what has happened, you may have recurring dreams and nightmares. All of this is normal, and the nightmares should become less frequent as time progresses. Talking about your dreams with someone you trust will be beneficial. It may not completely eliminate the dreams, but it will make them appear less powerful and overwhelming. At this point, you need all the information you can get on your sexual and reproductive health and right. Hence visit for more information on our Youth Amplify Project.
Also Read: sexual-assault-safety-while-traveling
Written By:
Michael Adegboye