The immune system of most children is very sensitive. This means that they are more likely to get infections and other diseases. A weakened immune system is one of the reasons why most children are sick so frequently, which can have an impact on their academic performance. As a result, one of the most effective ways to strengthen their immune system is to ensure that they are getting enough clean water. Water aids in the natural elimination of toxins from the body as well as the elimination of disease-causing bacteria. Improved bodily functions are achieved through the efficient transport of oxygen throughout the body (blood cells, organs, and tissues). It also contributes to the preservation of moisture in the eyes, mouth, and skin. In summary, water helps to strengthen children’s immune systems, which in turn helps them to fight off potential germs that are always present in their environment.

Here’s an interesting fact: our brain is composed primarily of water, approximately 75%. According to numerous studies, staying adequately hydrated helps to ensure that the brain functions optimally. Students will benefit from increased clarity and focus, which will allow them to think and absorb lessons more quickly while also improving their concentration levels. Water also has the additional benefit of enhancing both long-term and short-term memory, allowing students to easily recall what they have learned. More importantly, water aids in the prevention of attention deficit disorder in children, thereby assisting them in increasing their attention span, which is another reason why increased water consumption is important.
Daytime fatigue, lethargy, and headaches are just a few of the negative effects of not getting enough water throughout the day. This has the potential to have a significant impact on students’ academic performance. Additionally, students who do not drink enough water become exhausted quickly and may feel drowsy, both of which can impair their ability to concentrate. In order to effectively address all of the issues, it is sufficient to ensure that students are drinking/sipping water throughout the day. This will help to increase their energy levels.

Chronic dehydration is a common problem among school-age children, and it is especially prevalent among boys. The effects on their physical and emotional health, as well as their cognitive functioning, are significant. When it comes to mental health, dehydration is associated with everything from mood swings to decreased alertness and concentration levels. The same is true for children, where mild or severe dehydration can result in urinary infection or kidney stone formation. A major benefit of increasing your water intake is the prevention of dehydration and the health risks that come with it. Furthermore, well-hydrated students are better able to deal with stress and keep depression at bay, all of which contribute to overall good health and well-being.
Through our clean water project, HACEY has assisted young people and students by providing clean water in their communities and schools. For more information on our clean water project, please visit
Written By:
Michael Adegboye